The Commonwealth scholarship commission is offering Scholarships

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The Commonwealth Scholarship

If you are a citizen of a developed Commonwealth country, you can apply for:
_ Commonwealth Scholarships for PhD or split-site PhD study at a UK university

If you are a citizen of Singapore, you can apply for:
_ Singapore Commonwealth Fellowships in Innovation at a UK organisation

If you are a citizen of a developing Commonwealth country, you can apply for:

_ Commonwealth Scholarships for Master’s and PhD study at a UK university
_ Commonwealth Split-site (PhD) Scholarships for PhD candidates to spend up to 12 months in the UK as part of their doctoral studies
_ Commonwealth Shared Scholarships for Master’s study, for students from developing countries who would not otherwise be able to study in the UK, jointly supported by UK universities
_ Commonwealth Distance Learning Scholarships for Master’s study, for students from developing countries to study UK degree courses while living in their home countries
_ Commonwealth Academic Fellowships for early career academics from developing countries to conduct research and network
_ Commonwealth Professional Fellowships for mid-career professionals from developing countries to spend time at a UK organisation
_ Commonwealth Medical Fellowships for mid-career medical staff from developing countries to enhance their clinical skills

Further information can be found here

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